Monday, December 18, 2006


Basketball Tickets!

Hi Folks,

Now that most people are done for the semester, it seems like an opportune time for people to start thinking about the important stuff they're doing over Winter Break. By which I mean, going to Maryland basketball games.

We have 11 tickets each for the three following games:

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 8:00 PM vs. Iona
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 9:00 PM vs. Miami
SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 2:00 PM vs. Clemson

In the interest of making sure as many people get to go to the games as possible, this is how we're going to do this.

If you are interested in going to only ONE (1) game, or if you can only make one game, send an email to Steve Bookman ( and cc me on the email. You will receive priority on getting to a ticket to that game.

If you are interested in going to MULTIPLE games, or if you are able to make multiple games, send an email to Steve and me with a RANKED LIST of your preferences. For example, if I wanted to go to the Clemson game but could make the Miami game too, I would send the following:

1) Clemson
2) Miami

You will get preference for your preferred game, but if there are multiple people that have that game listed as their only availability, you may get bumped to your second or third choice. Depending on how many respondents we have, it MAY be possible for some people to get multiple tickets, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Please include both your name and ID number in your email so Steve can properly submit the information to the Athletics department and get our tickets. Those will be distributed at Comcast before the game. Because of the deadlines handed down by said Athletics department, we need to know people's preferences by DECEMBER 26 (Next Tuesday) if at all possible, particularly if you want to go to the Iona game. On December 28, once we have figured out our distribution, a list of attendees for each game will be posted on the SAM blog ( We will also send out emails to the ticketees with additional logistics info.

On behalf of Student Archivists at Maryland, have a Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Festive Kwanzaa/Joyous Festivus/Cheery Agnostica, and a enjoyable (and relaxing!) Winter Break. We'll see you in 2007!


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